Pond Dyes

Pond dye products

Commercial Dyes

Large commercial use dyes

Spray Pattern Indicators

Spray Pattern Indicator dyes

Byofix Beneficial Bacteria

Byofix Beneficial Bacteria products

Pond Dyes

pond black 1kg - 1-x 100g

DyoFix Pond Black Powder 1Kg

£40.00 £48.00 incl. Vat

1kg dissolvable sachets | Treats 30,000 Litres

DyoFix Pond Black Powder 200g

DyoFix Pond Black Powder 200g

£22.00 £26.40 incl. Vat

200g dissolvable sachet | Treats 6,000 Litres

Dyofix Pond Black liquid

DyoFix Pond Black Liquid 300gm

£16.50 £19.80 incl. Vat

300g bottle | Treats 1,000 Litres

Small Garden Pond Dye blue 15 liquid

DyoFix SGP Blue 15

£19.80 £23.76 incl. Vat

300ml bottle | Treats 15,000 litres

Small Garden Pond Dye blue 50 liquid

DyoFix SGP Blue 50

£24.20 £29.04 incl. Vat

300ml bottle | Treats 50,000 litres

Small Garden Pond Dye blue 100 liquid

DyoFix SGP Blue 100

£33.00 £39.60 incl. Vat

300ml bottle | Treats 100,000 litres

Dyofix Lake shadow pond dye 100 liquid

DyoFix SGP Shadow 100

£33.00 £39.60 incl. Vat

300ml bottle | Treats 100,000 litres

Dyofix Lake shadow pond dye 50 liquid

DyoFix SGP Shadow 50

£24.20 £29.04 incl. Vat

300ml bottle | Treats 50,000 litres

Dyofix Lake shadow pond dye 15 liquid

DyoFix SGP Shadow 15

£19.80 £23.76 incl. Vat

300ml bottle | Treats 15,000 litres

DyoFix Lake Shadow Powder 200g

DyoFix Lake Shadow Powder 200g

£22.00 £26.40 incl. Vat

200g dissolvable sachet | Treats 800,000 Litres

pond black for small garden ponds ponds

DyoFix Pond Black 50g

£12.00 £14.40 incl. Vat

50g dissolvable sachet | Treats 1,500 Litres

Commercial Pond Dyes

C Special pond dye

DyoFix C Special Powder

£36.00 £43.20 incl. Vat

1kg dissolvable sachets | Treats 4,000,000 Litres

pond blue 1kg 10x 100g sachets

DyoFix Pond Blue Powder

£44.00 £52.80 incl. Vat

10 Dissolvable sachets | Treats 10,000,000 Litres

Dyofix pond blue liquid bottles

DyoFix Pond Blue Liquid

£26.00 £31.20 incl. Vat

1Kg Treats 5,750,000 litres

pond black 1kg - 1-x 100g

DyoFix Pond Black Powder 1Kg

£40.00 £48.00 incl. Vat

1kg dissolvable sachets | Treats 30,000 Litres

1kg lake shadow

DyoFix Lake Shadow Powder

£36.00 £43.20 incl. Vat

1kg dissolvable sachets | Treats 4,000,000 Litres

DyoFix Lake Shadow Powder 200g

DyoFix Lake Shadow Powder 200g

£22.00 £26.40 incl. Vat

200g dissolvable sachet | Treats 800,000 Litres

Byofix Beneficial Bacteria

byofix good bacteria dissovable sachet for ponds

Byofix Beneficial Bacteria 1kg

£40.00 £48.00 incl. Vat

Treats approx. 1,300 m2 (⅓ of an acre) of water surface area.

Byofix liquid product image 300gm bottle

Byofix 4X-PS Bacteria 300gm

£15.00 £18.00 incl. Vat

300g bottle for Small Garden Ponds

Spray Pattern Indicators

Blue Spray Pattern Indicator

DyoFix SPI Blue

£26.00 £31.20 incl. Vat

Call to discuss orders over 25Kgs

Green Spray Pattern Indicator

DyoFix SPI Green

£26.00 £31.20 incl. Vat

Call to discuss orders over 25Kgs